Experience ensemble viii

2023 - 2024 Concert series

A Message From Ensemble VIII 

Dear friends,

As many of you know, our concerts in early May were  the final concerts for Ensemble VIII. We arrive at this end-point with sadness, but as always, we were thrilled to be able to share this beautiful music with you along with Philharmonie Austin.

Our very first concert was Renaissance Splendour on May 13 and 14, 2011 at St. Louis Catholic Church Chapel. Through thirteen glorious seasons of music, with the superb leadership first of Jim Morrow, and more recently of Donald Meineke, it has been our pleasure and privilege to bring the finest in choral repertoire of the Renaissance and Baroque (and beyond!) to our audiences in Austin. All of this has been made possible by many of you, our devoted and much-appreciated supporters.

Our gratitude extends not only to you, but to the singers and instrumentalists who have been the artistic lifeblood of Ensemble VIII. Many of our longtime singers have been with us this season. It is bittersweet to share these performances with them.

We also appreciate very much the incredible support we have received from KMFA Radio; the National Endowment for the Arts; and the Texas Commission on the Arts; as well as for our past support from the City of Austin. And although we have been so fortunate to have many, many loyal and generous donors through the years, we must also thank especially Ellen and David Berman who have provided large donations the past few years that have truly enabled us to extend our existence to this point.

We wish all the best to our colleagues in the Austin classical music world, especially Texas Early Music Project and La Follia Baroque, who have been so helpful and collaborative since the very beginning of Ensemble VIII. We extend a special thanks too to Arts on Alexander and Redeemer Presbyterian Church, which have provided a beautiful space for our performances over the past few years. 

With our sincere affection and gratitude,

The Board of Directors of Ensemble VIII

Gregory Eaton, president                                                               
Meg Meo, communications/marketing; past president
Thom Sloan, development; past president              
Gena Tabery, founding president                                         
Rebecca Baltzer, secretary
Charlotte Sullivan, treasurer
Glenn Chandler, member-at-large

George Dupere, member-at-large
Denise Ketcham, member-at-large