Donations received in the past 12 months

Ambassador – $10,000 and up

  • Ellen and David Berman

Benefactor – $5,000 to $9,999

Sponsor – $2,500 – $4,999

  • Dr. Rebecca Baltzer
  • National Endowment for the Arts
  • Texas Commission on the Arts

Sustainer – $1,000 – $2,499

  • Dr. B. Glenn Chandler
  • Jill Fatzer
  • Kathleen Higgins and Eugene Garver
  • Letizia Matturri
  • Dr. Nell and Dean Sanders
  • Thom J. Sloan and Jerry L. Lashley, Jr. in honor of Donald Meineke
  • Charlotte Sullivan
  • Donald Wertz

Patron – $500 – $999

  • Anonymous
  • Barbara and Jerry Buttrey
  • Frances Collmann
  • Dr. George Dupere
  • Gregory Eaton
  • Eugenia Floyd
  • Ann and Wallace Harwood
  • Denise and Rich Ketcham
  • Philip Lewis in honor of Ryland Angel
  • Meg and Gary Meo
  • Chula Sims
  • Dr. Gena and Ron Tabery

Donor – $100 – $499

  • Kathleen and Robert Achterberg
  • Margy and Bob Ayres
  • Linda Cain
  • Alexandria Chambers and Trevor Ede in honor of Donald Meineke
  • Bob Dale
  • Donna and Bob Elkins in honor of Ryland Angel
  • Carmen Guerra
  • Kathryn Hansen and Carla Rae Petievich
  • Ann Hartness
  • Misty and Brian Hopper
  • Craig Hella Johnson
  • Curtis Jordan
  • Margot Levatino
  • Janie Keys and Ivan Milman
  • Judy and Tom Morris
  • Raymond Orbach
  • Mary Parse
  • Gail Reid
  • Les Romo
  • Janice Ryan
  • Judy Skaggs
  • Annette Stachowitz
  • Linda St. Clair
  • William Stutts
  • Renee and Eugene Sutton
  • The Voluptuous Table

Friend – Up to $99

  • Tommy Anderson
  • Judy Belkacem
  • Stephanie Blackwood
  • Andrea Braendlin
  • Anonymous
  • Susan Brister
  • Dawn Denne
  • April and Michael Floyd
  • Helen and Larry Foster
  • Melissa Hardie
  • Jane Heetderks-Cox
  • Diane Janda
  • Danny Johnson
  • Sarah Kostic
  • Susanna and Barry McBee
  • Mary McLeod
  • Linda Meo
  • Suzanne Mitchell and Richard Zansitis
  • Justine Mooney
  • James O’Leary
  • Marcus Osborne
  • Philip Overbaugh
  • Ann Price and Dennis Abbott
  • Flo Ann Randle
  • Susan Richter
  • Gail Roberts
  • April Schroeder
  • Reza Shirazi
  • Paul Smith
  • Irene Travis
  • William Vandersteel
  • Kem and Dave Ward in memory of Jay McGrew
  • Katherine Whatley
  • Beverley Wills
  • Joann Zimmerman

Ensemble VIII is supported by the Texas Commission on the Arts and is also supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit  Ensemble VIII is proud to partner with KMFA 89.5.